Shooting is the easiest skill in basketball.
All you do is line up your wrist, elbow and shoulder with
the basket, then extend your arm, hand and fingers perfectly
straight towards the rim.
If you do that, the ball will be on target and
all you have to do is adjust for distance.
You have to practice a lot of hours to be able
to shoot effectively under game conditions.
You can imagine a big, strong athletic guy,
six feet four, 190 pounds, with long arms,
who can run and jump, trying to stop you from shooting.
You have to move fast, fake the guy off balance, spin
and get your shot off quickly and accurately if you
want to score.
You have to train your brain and body to automatically
get you into the correct position so you can shoot straight
and instinctively apply the needed force to get the
correct distance, all in a fraction of second.
The way you train is to practice fundamental elements
After you master fundamental movements,
you add on additional ones.
In the case of shooting a basketball, you must first
perfect the alignment of your shoulder, elbow and wrist,
so you can extend your arm and fingers straight towards the basket.
Until you perfect this movement, your shooting will be ineffective.
After you perfect this movement, there is still much
work to do, but at least you can shoot straight.
To perfect this form you have to drill.
You have to repetitively practice exercises that
will develop the pathways in your brain to cause
your body to perform the perfected movement.